André Evans


When I was eleven my family moved to Folkestone, Kent on the South Coast. Here in 1983, at the Frogmore tea rooms, Jeremy Page and I founded the Frogmore Press. 

Our objective was “to publish work which above all else possesses quality and a respect for the written word; which uses words to subvert, to innovate, to communicate ideas relevant to the age, articulately, undogmatically, with clarity, integrity and vision.”

In 1984 Jeremy and I and a number of friends got together to set up creative writing workshops: the Crabflower Club.  Our aim was to explore the possibilities that might arise from creating fiction collectively – as a social activity. Together we created and wrote short stories and a screen play. Some of the work was later published in the Crabflower pamphlets.  

I have since had a thirty-year career as a teacher, facilitator and coach in professional education. Particular current interests are insolvency law, money laundering and bribery – and on the developmental side helping people to communicate in a way which is truthful, direct, respectful and constructive.  

My interests in writing fiction are much the same – how people make bad decisions, how they fail to speak up, how ill-used language leads to nonsense and disaster. My lifelong interest in children’s books and weird fiction also feeds into my writing.